Friday, July 31, 2009

Why is the tooth the only part of the human body that can't heal itself?

Bone is rich in blood supply, ergo has potential for regeneration. The hard tissue of the tooth, namely enamel and dentin, is avascular-meaning there's no blood supply to promote healing like what happens in bone.

In humans, there are only 2 sets of teeth -milk and permanent. Eventually, all milk teeth will be replaced by permanent teeth. When you lose the second set, denture or implant comes into the picture.

Why is the tooth the only part of the human body that can't heal itself?
It's possible as my ex-husband has a third set of teeth but very improbable. What do you mean the tooth can heal itself? It requires drilling and amalgam to fill the tooth. They abscess and any part will heal if attended to, such as stitches, antibiotics, time, cleaning it, etc. So I disagree with that statement. Did you know that you can lose half your liver and it can grow back to a full one? If your teeth reach certain point that you need crowns , which the roots are killed or you need it is that healing itself?
Reply:I have heard of an experimental treatment that will make it possible for people to grow new teeth. Basically, some sort of a bud is placed in the gums and it becomes a tooth. If it becomes common, that will eliminate the need for dentures. Everybody I have ever known who wore dentures hated them. My grandmother used to complain about them slipping and how she had to avoid certain kinds of food.

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