Friday, July 31, 2009

Just how human was Jesus?

He didn't fall in love, get married, make love, have a child or raise a child.

He wasn't born a woman, so he didn't have any experience with a period, menstrual cramps, PMS, nor did he conceive a child and nurture it within the womb.

He didn't grow old enough for the body to begin to fail, his hair never fell out, neither did his teeth (no dentistry back then)

Granted, there are a lot of people walking around today who have not experienced many of those things, but most everyone has fallen in love and I suspect most everyone has made love.

Without any of these, how complete is the human experience?

Just how human was Jesus?
The only purpose Jesus was in this world was only to died for us so we can have life i great his that man God send Jesus and Jesus was the holy spirit
Reply:this queschin is blasphamy and your goin 2 a warm place !!!!!
Reply:Jesus ( peace be upon him ) was 100% human, a very successful prophet.
Reply:Read 'Holy Blood. Holy Grail" and you'll be educated.
Reply:He was 100% human but also 100% divine
Reply:Define "human"

I believe the Lord Jesus had his share of "human" experience. He cried (John 11:35) meaning he has feelings and compassion / love. He eats, he sleeps, he drinks and he socialize too (wedding in Cana).

He became a man, he was the ultimate offering for our sins, because God the father loves all of us (John 3:16)
Reply:Jesus was born perfect in order to sacrifice his perfect life for us, because Adam was also perfect. God is also perfect and his Justice is perfect. That is why a perfect man needed in order for our sins to be whipped way with the help of Jesus's sacrifice. Jesus was raised by humans and in his lifetime saw many things: From people to be sick, die and many others. He sure couldn't fully understand a womens side...but, he created the first he could understand it more than a man does.
Reply:he was born as a human and grew as a child but must have known from an early age he was not as other boys. I think you are trying to split hairs many die with out what you mention and not every one is out making love. you have no concept of control. being human is not only about having babys it is more about serving others and working for a coman good.
Reply:There is good argument which supports the idea that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus. Bachelorhood was very rare for Jewish males of Jesus' time. Mary Magdalene appears with great frequency in the bible and is shown as being a close follower of Jesus.

In the scene of the wedding at Cana, the names of the nuptial couple are not mentioned, but Jesus acts as a groom would be expected to act at such a wedding.

Mary's presence at the Crucifixion and Jesus' tomb is consistent with a role as grieving wife and widow.
Reply:He didnt shoot drugs, get drunk, or beat up children either. There are millions of "things" He didnt do. How many different experiences does a person have to have experience to have a "complete" human experience? The point is: NOBODY experiences EVERYTHING. So nobody has a "complete" human experience. As far as experiences that pertain to the female gender of the species go; Since He is the One who Created women in the first place, dont you think that He might have an idea of what they go through, without having to "experience" it personally?.....theBerean..P.S.---After reading your additional detail remarks, its obviouse that you have an ax to grind. Which would be ok, if you at least got some basic facts right. For instance: How do you know how may loved ones Jesus lost to cancer or any other type of sickness. He obviously lost Joseph, His adoptive father. And probably others as well. As for "falling in love", how do you know what kind of feelings He had as an adolesence and knew that He could not act upon them. Knowing that His purpose in life was in a different direction. Knowing that He could never experience marriage and children probably caused Him great distress early in life. He was fully human with all of the regular wants and desires common to all men. But without sin. For you to denigrate Him without having any facts at all is really despicable. God has told us just what He wants us to know. The rest is none of our business. ........theBerean
Reply:I haven't jumped off a bridge, but I have a pretty good idea what it would be like.....Men don;t have PMS or periods and are considered human.

People who die early.....are they not human just because they died???

You can be complete as a human in experiences that are important to you. People who truely beleive in God and follow his ways (eg celebate religious people) don't "make love" and have a pretty full, complete and satisfying life for them....some things are more important to some people than others......and that view is why you ask that question.

Also the fact the WAY Jesus died would be a pretty human experience if you ask me...getting nails hammered into his wrists and feet and hung up..........
Reply:He was nt like me and you.He had our body but His purpuse was our salvation
Reply:No one mentioned where he used the bathroom, but I am sure He did. We didn't get much of a thorough story. That's why you need to contact Him now and forget those questions that you know are frivolous. Jesus was tempted by many sins but did not sin.
Reply:Fully human yet obedient
Reply:there are some ppl who never got married or made love or even had money or non of that but they still are humans..even these poor african ppl who have no clothes to wear and most of them die and not all of them marry and not all of them make love..they still breath and have soul running into them..they are humans just as jesus was..he was a 100% human..a prophet
Reply:CS Lewis has a statement that I always thought was excellent. He said, "If you want to know how powerful a temptation is in your life, resist it." While it appears that Jesus never had the experience of marriage, he struggled with the same emotions and physical needs that lead most people into marriage. But he made a choice to forego marriage for a higher calling. A "temptation" (if you will) that most of us will never experience.

The idea that Jesus never loved a Beloved to death is not supported by the scriptures. He appears to have had a close relationship with his cousin John, whom he lost when Herod had him beheaded. With something like cancer, you have some time to adjust and accept before death. (When through it 5 years ago with my sife) But to suddenly have someone's head taken off has to be a shock as well as a lose. His father Joseph, by his absense from the adulthood of Jesus' life, appears to have died while Jesus was a child or youth. The death of parent, especially when you are still a child, has to be as heart-wrenching as the death of a mate. Many people have been scarred by that for life.

So the Bible would appear to support the idea that Jesus did experience the pressures of sexual desire, and the lose of a Beloved during his lifetime.
Reply:JESUS didnt simply came to earth to involve in earthly activities.He came for a more great purpose than the regular human cycle we all go through.JESUS knows that he came to earth to die for our sins.If u know u are going to die early would u marry and have children and put them in sorrows.I dont think so.But JESUS had surely his share of experience.He worked as a carpenter.He was moved with compassion for people.He has brothers and sisters just like many.But he has a far great call on his life than u and me.A life that he has to fulfill in order for us to be reconciled back to GOD.A life he sacrificied for u and me.

"For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoso ever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life".Ask JESUS to come into your heart and forgive ur sins and cleanse ur past with his blood.
Reply:Are you saying that Jesus couldn't have been fully human because He never fell in love, had a menstrual cycle or had sex? That would eliminate a lot of real human beings from the equation. What do you say about SIDS babies? They don't have a chance to fall in love, have sex, marry, grow old or anything else. Were they any less human? Jesus spent some 33+ years with us. And as much God as He was, He was human. He got hungry, tired, thirsty, experienced pain and suffering, had family, friends, enemies, ate, drank, felt alone, and most human of all, died. If you look at His life closely and sincerely, you may find He had a more complete human experience than most of us could ever expect to have.
Reply:Despite your lengthy list, there were a few things that showed Jesus' humanity. He wept over the loss of Lazarus. He could eat, thought it wasn't necessary, being God and all. He had the capacity to love as showed at the Sermon on the Mount as he said "Suffer the little children to come unto me" in response to the disciples trying to "shoo" them away since they assumed Jesus didn't want to be bothered. He walked, talked, breathed, knew FEAR in Gethsemane along with doubt, felt the pain of crucifixion (You can't get any more human than that!), showed compassion to the thief hanging with Him who recognized Him and etc. Though He didn't do a lot of the things you mentioned, His human experience was still VERY much real and full!

family nanny

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