Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why do meat eaters always bring up thier teeth when trying to argue that humans are supposed to eat meat?

I dont understand why people who disagree with a vegetarian lifestyle always seem t orun out of valid arguments and try to make statements like "why do you think we have k9 teeth?" and stupid statements like that. Have they even seen a gorillas teeth? Now those are carnivorouse-looking teeth, however gorillas are STRICT vegans. Please explain this argument to me as it just doesnt seem to make sense, and isnt valid to me.

Why do meat eaters always bring up thier teeth when trying to argue that humans are supposed to eat meat?
We do NOT have teeth designed to eat meat. If you want to see teeth designed to eat meat, look at the teeth of a cat or dog. Meat eaters seem to think their teeth are designed to chew meat, but in fact meat-eating animals do not even chew their food. They rip and swallow. Our teeth are designed to take a bite of an apple and chew it. Or to crunch down on a carrot. Think about it, if our teeth are designed to eat meat, what are steak knives for?? I've never seen a cat or dog or any other meat-eating animal ask for a steak knife!

Also, we have enzymes in our saliva that mix with our food as we chew, and meat-eating animals do not have these enzymes. Why the difference?

And to Cammie who thinks we don't need to cut up a steak, how did your steak get sliced up to begin with? Why don't you just bite down on the whole cow if it's so natural for you? A meat-eating animal would!

And of course if we are expanding the discussion beyond the mouth, look at the length of our intestines vs. those of meat-eating animals. The very long human intestine is designed to digest plants. Meat rots and putrifies in our intestines because they are so long. Relatively speaking the meat-eating animals' intestines are much shorter than ours.

Just because we "can" eat meat doesn't mean that it's a good idea for us. You can manipulate a diet to force dogs to eat only plant foods and they can survive. That doesn't mean it's healthy or natural for them.

Then of course do some research into the cancer rates, heart disease rates and dementia rates of meat eaters compared to vegetarians and vegans. Not a pretty picture if you are a meat eater. An intelligent person has to wonder why meat eaters' disease rates are so much higher.
Reply:Something to do with "evolution" and the fact that meat eaters have teeth that herbivores lack.

Either way, who cares. If we can survive on the plant world and save lives, both animal and human, and the environment from not eating meat, why not?
Reply:idk but eating meat is CRUEL
Reply:Gorillas ARE NOT strictly vegetarians, they eat ants and some even eat meat, and although I am a vegetarian I don't bash people who are not because to each his own, and yes it is true, we have canines and we wouldn't have evolved them unless we would need them!
Reply:I've never heard that argument before but it does sound kind-of foolish.

Actually, I've never even heard of an argument between a vegan and a non-vegan.
Reply:personally i think you are right

we should have a plant-based diet

its just kind of hard to transition but im trying (:

but i think its just hard for people to change what they have been doing all their lives.
Reply:Because we have incisors for tearing meat, but you're right. It's not a valid argument.
Reply:Chimps sometimes eat each other.
Reply:It is not a real valid arguement to me. I will say this though I LIKE MEAT. That is the only argument I could give. I went over a year without meat just for the fact that I couldnt stand the thought of what it was. Not sure what that was about at the time it just was how I felt.

As a meat eater though I hate just the opposite arguments from vegetarians that I shouldnt eat meat. I think if you want to try to survive off Twinkies that is your choice. I have friends who are vegetarians and each have different reasons. I eat meat for my reason.

Dont forget about people with false teeth that eat meat though. What do they want to argue that the gums are great for chewing on steak.

Eat as you wish and I will do the same and a couple pointed teeth do not make a good reason. When your mouth looks like that of a croc I will believe the teeth story.
Reply:Rebut by showing them the fangs inside a carnivor such as a lion or tiger. Our "meat" eating teeth pale in comparrison!
Reply:It's the argument for biological determinism- our bodies are made to be omniverous- this is why our lower intestine is so large, it's also why our appendix is so useless ( it's normally used to break down grasses in herbivores) and why our teeth have both the grinding component for vegetable matter as well as the tearing component for meat. Make no mistake, our brains are big and extremely energy-inefficient, we need to eat a lot of proteins to power it- a lot more then a nut %26amp; berry diet could sustain in Man's natural state.

A gorilla is also an omnivore, they are not strict vegans in any way shape or form -they eat insects as part of their regular diet and if they need too, they can eat the meat of other animals.

I have no issue with vegetarianism, i think it's a most noble path, but to deny that our bodies are made for an omniverous diet simply because you choose not too eat meat is selective ignorance tantamount to religiousity. A stronger, and in my mind, the only sensible argument for vegetarianism is due to it's morality- it's more environmentally responsible, ethical and healthier- but it's definately a choice of the new luxury based society where we can pick from a range of substitutes to the nourishment of meat.

By the way, speaking of religiousity, you might want to read that commandment in it's native language, the word is murder, not kill, and 'murder' was a crime in middle and near eastern societies that connotated the unlawful killing of a person. If you tried to go back in time and tell the Jewish Kingdoms it was referring to animals, they would first off, laugh at your lack of a grasp on their language, and secondly, point to all the bits in the torah, from chapter 1 onwards that details the rationale for eating and killing animals. The bible even recommends death as an adequate punishment for an unruly animal and overtly states that the whole purpose of animals is to be utilised by people for food and clothing. Quoting the bible is not going to help any vegetarians.

woo vote down for the truth! pity reality persists despite ones opinion about it :)
Reply:I thought gorillas eat insects. I know other monkeys do. Not that they need canine teeth to do it! Just wanted to make sure of the facts.

What I want to know is, why do we have so many stinkin' molars!! I've had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed %26amp; just wonder why we have them if we don't need them, %26amp; in fact, are better off without them!

Maybe they are there to squeeze the k9 teeth out in an evolutionary process that is making all humans into herbivores!! I've noticed that a lot of people who haven't had their wisdom teeth out seem to have that crowded mouth look %26amp; also that their k9 teeth slowly move to grow above their other teeth like they've been crowded out.
Reply:i eat meat and never argued that we HAVE to eat meat, thats dumb. If anyone uses our teeth as an excuse to eat meat just ignore them, don't worry about what stupid people think.
Reply:well evolution (which i dont believe) or not, the only reason

they say that is because that is the only thing for them to fall back on, they have nothing else to say. They wouldnt rather just leave you be, every one likes something different than someone else.
Reply:We have predator eyes. They aren't to the sides of the face like on cattle, but focused forwards like wolves and tigers.

That being said, vegetarians can exist quite well on strict vegan diets, but have to find a source of B-12. In favor of eating vegan, it takes less acreage to support because the land is a primary source rather than being a secondary in that you use it to feed the animal, which in turn feeds you.
Reply:Because a lot of them don't want to give the real answer behind eating meat.

Why don't they just say the truth? Why do I eat meat? Because it's damn tasty. Do I care that an animal had to die? No. Do I care about a cows feelings? No.

You are threatening their food supply. And they are defending it.

Now excuse me while I go eat this juicy burger.
Reply:It's funny because I have read things where it is argued that humans don't have teeth for eating meat.

I'm surprised that anyone would think human canine teeth compare to the teeth of a carnivorous animal. The point is barely even noticeable. Dogs, cats, bears, raccoons, etc., all have huge canine teeth with points that are long enough to meet the gums of the opposite jaw. So do some monkeys and apes; especially baboons. The only people I have ever seen with teeth like that were in vampire movies.

If we are so well-equipped for eating meat of large animals, why do we have to cook it?

Some gorillas eat termites and grubs; they are not strictly herbivores.

I'm vegetarian, but I think humans were born to eat mostly plants with occasional animal based food; just like gorillas and chimpanzees.

I also think the "nature" argument doesn't really apply to people because people do all kinds of things that other animals don't. We are free to make our own choices and we don't have to rely on instinct. Is it "natural" to wear clothes? Glasses? Change our hair color? Drive cars? Live in houses with machines to keep us warm or cool?
Reply:Being at the top of the food chain has it's rewards and gives us the right to choose what we eat.

If you don't want to eat meat, that is fine

Our teeth have evolved and are suited for eating meat.

in Cave man time, imagine how huge our teeth must have been to chew on a raw leg 'o whatever.

Enjoy your choice of foods.

P.S. To Lucy : We use knives since we are civilized.We can still pick up a steak and eat it whole if we wanted.It just isn't polite in our society.

Using your arguments, we should just munch on whole potatoes , lettuces and onions.We still cut those items up into bite sized portions.
Reply:Orangutan and Chimpanzees are both know to on occasion eat meet. The are primarily fruit eats. Gorillas are more adapted to eating harder shoots but still prefer fruit.

Humans are omnivore. In general is we had evolved as strict vegans the premolars would be developed more to look like molars.

In biology the study of teeth structure is important to what the animals eat. In general omnivores have teeth similar to ours regardless of what they are. (black beers and the like)

But in general it is the molars and other teeth that are used to determine if something is a omnivore. Instead of the canine teeth. In canines there are very small molars.

All in all it is a stupid argument.
Reply:im sorry but personally, now no offence, but not eating meat to me would be very awkward. but as for the teeth, what else do you expect them to say? my favorite color is meat color so i like to eat it? haha of course they're going to bring up their teeth
Reply:Because somehow it got in there heads they since we have canines it automatically meas we are meant to eat meat. We do have canines, maxillary %26amp; mandibular 'canines' which they are all located three teeth away from the midline, and they are not located near the front in which they either protrude out or near protruding. It is the same how they say it is proof we need meat because of protein. But, protein is found in tons of non-animal sources, complete proteins and incomplete ones, with tofu being the best source, not meat. So their arguments with their teeth backfires and further proves veganism.
Reply:I believe men needed teeth to bite their enemies in combat.

Just before settling in with a salad and a nice book
Reply:When people tell you we have canine teeth and should eat meat, ask them what purpose tonsils and the appendix serve. Just because we have a body part doesn't mean it always serves a purpose.

People just have issues with people who are different. Or maybe subconciously they feel guilty that they aren;t doing what you are.
Reply:Why exactly is this an argument? Some people eat meat, so what? Being vegetarian is a choice, and I have no problem with that. But humans are fact designed to be omnivorous. We do in fact have canine teeth along with molars. Notice the use of "fact". Research the teeth and digestive systems of natural herbivores and then take a look at the same in regard to omnivores and carnivores. The human digestive system and that of a cow could not be more dissimilar. The human system is designed to take in many different food sources. The climate of the world is not conducive (before modern day) to pure vegetarianism in many areas - so people ate meat, and they survived. Vegetarianism thrives in hotter climates with mild weather. Cultures developed around food that was available. Polar Bears don't eat much vegetation due to their environment - are they less "valid" than a Gorilla? Yes, Gorillas are predominantly herbivores, but also eat termites and ants. Insects aren't plants by the way.

Just because you choose to not eat meat as a philosophical choice does not negate biological design. Something can adapt and be used differently from it's original purpose/design. But there was a reason for the initial design.

And just because you like to argue with "meat eaters" (gee that doesn't sound pejorative at all...) does not make your choice right and their choice wrong. If you wish to have your lifestyle choices respected, why are you so quick to judge other differing choices as less "valid"?

Some animals eat other animals , you choose not to - what exactly is the big deal? Just live your OWN life. I fully expect you to pick an answer that aligns with your food beliefs as you seem intolerant of those who are different from you.

And by the way, humans have been known to have the ability to sever a human finger or nose with their teeth in a struggle, so I'd say that although our teeth do not appear as sharp as a wolfs... they can still do the job if needed.
Reply:Some do. It's just a small bit of factual information. They use it as an argument because they haven't spent time to find a more formidable stance. Vitamin B12 is a better argument. You'll die quite young without it and you can't get it from plants. They should use that as an argument instead.

Vegers have some stupid arguments too. Such as this silliness "It also says in the bible "thou shall not kill"".

The amount of disinformation (from both sides) spit into the V %26amp; V is astounding.
Reply:i just say meat tastes good, i dont care about teeth.......sorry, i likeanimals too, but i have to eat soemthing, and im not eating veggies all day day after day, i jsut cant do it
Reply:Well I like my meat so don't stop me from eating it. Though I like my veggies too. Just eat what you want, I don't really care.
Reply:well.. our teeth is designed to cut and grind meat. but on the other hand you could be a vegetarian if you want to i dont believe anyone has the right to tell whether you should be a vegetarian or an omnivore. if you are a Christian it says in the Bible that it is ok to eat meat
Reply:I have sharp teeth that helps me bite into a sweet filet mignon morsel.

Here is my response to you counterargument: I like meat. I eat meat.

You like veggies, you eat veggies. It is all a mater of preferences.
Reply:we are meant to eat meat, but I don't see why that means we HAVE to eat meat. I personally enjoy it, but don't have a problem with people that don't.

As long as people take their diet seriously and don't get all pale, sickly looking like my brother did when he tried it, I think it can be a healthy lifestyle. I just think it takes a lot of preparation and study to get it right.

By the way meat is raised these days, it breaks my heart sometimes and with all the hormones and crap, we don't really know what we're eating.I can see why people get turned off eating it. I read once that in the future we will evolve into having all flat cutters.Interesting you won't have to argue it then :-)
Reply:because thats what our teeth are suppose to do, rip through meat...but like gorillas, we use the same teeth to eat plants...

i see no point in arguing this, since both sides are right...

exchange rate

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