Saturday, July 25, 2009

How many times should I brush my doggy's teeth?

Should I brush my puppy's teeth(4months old) everyday just like humans? Or once a week?

How many times should I brush my doggy's teeth?
UGGGGG when are you people going to realize that you dont need to brush you dogs teeth they have spit that is made to nourish their teeth. So never, thats just one ingredient to add to the babys body think of it that way.
Reply:Does your puppy already have their adult teeth?

There is no need to brush the puppy teeth at all unless they are eating junk.

Once they have adult teeth I would suggest once a week to get the dog used to it and then once a month or more frequently if it's not too much work.

I have my groomer do it once a month. Gum disease is what you are preventing so they don't lose their teeth too early in their lives.
Reply:As often as you like just be careful what products you use. My suggestion is get dog/cat dental wipes and just wipe off the top layer of plaque. It freshens breath also
Reply:MnM- It doesn't hurt to brush a dogs teeth. We have floridein our water, so that means we don't need to brush our teeth, but yet we do.

I do my dog's teeth every night before bed, it doesn't hurt and now he has perfect teeth and nice gums. If your dog doesn't take to it, start off slowly, maybe once every 2 weeks and work your way to once a week or 2 a week or whenever you want. But always praise and reward them for good behavior!
Reply:adult teeth recommended everyday

puppy teeth will fall out but to get your dog use to it i would start as soon as i could to make them familar with the process of brushing their theeth
Reply:Hey hun =-)

It's not really that good of an idea to brush your dog's teeth on a routinly baisis because it will break down certian walls that protect the teeth and gums from bacteria. The best thing to do would be to brush your doggy's teeth once or twice a year.

Wanna hear a funny fact? A doggy's mouth is actually a lot cleaner than a humans!

Hope I helped you and good luck with the new puppy!
Reply:It's not really necessary to brush a dog's teeth, unless the smell of their breath offends you. The best thing to do for healthy teeth and gums in dogs is to regularly buy them a bone to chew on (depending on the size of your dog - I have fox terriers and I give them a cow shinbone cut in half lengthways, they love having something big to drag around). This is a natural and fun way for your dog to clean their teeth. Never ever give cooked chicken bones. In fact, uncooked bones are generally better and more fun for the dog.

You can buy chew toys that you can put dog toothpaste inside of, but I've found that most dogs don't actually like them, the rubber they're made of smells and I don't think it's very interesting for them.

ReneeM - We definitely do need to brush, floss etc. our teeth twice a day, fluoride in our water does not clean our teeth, and certainly does not mean that we don't need to brush them. Among other things, how does water get food out from between your teeth?

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