Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Weeping and gnashing of teeth" - the lamest threat in all human history or what?

If I was Jesus I would have said that there will be hot poker%26#039;s rammed into crotches, high-voltage nipple clamps and country music played at high decibels.

I mean really, God and Jesus really aren%26#039;t that creative.

%26quot;Weeping and gnashing of teeth%26quot; - the lamest threat in all human history or what?
Do you know what Gnashing of Teeth means? It means to grind your teeth in Anger or Sadness

besides hell is more then that

Hell is

* Where the worm never dies

*Where your remided about all the times God reached out to you

*Where you can see all the Christians you know in heaven but they can%26#039;t see you.

*Where your falling forever

Basically hell is like this %26quot; Your walking down a street and some one says don%26#039;t go around that corner because some one is going to break all your arms and legs and tear your teeth out... and you ignore the guy and when you go around the corner everything the person said happens and now your in a body cast for 5 monthes thinking about how the guy warned you and how you should of listened to him%26quot;

Hell is like Starving in a Street and looking through a one way mirror glass when you can see them but they can%26#039;t see you and the people on the other side are feasting and having fun while you starve in the cold watching them%26quot;

Hell is knowing what you Rejected and having it in your view but not being about to reach it our change your choices..

etc. and etc.

If your not afraid of hell then would you sell me your arms, eyes, ears, tongue, teeth,and legs for all the money in the world?

Anyone in there right mind would say no, because the body is of vaule to them but your body is temporary its rotting day by day but your soul is eternal so shouldn%26#039;t you care more about your eternal soul rather then your temporal body?

remember If im right I lose nothing but if your wrong You lose everything better hope your right because you have hell to pay if your wrong

-Pascal revised..
Reply:weeping and gnashing of the teeth are about as polite as a person can get. It%26#039;s his nature, I guess. Such a gentleman. In reality, it will be indeed, as you say. You%26#039;re not as lovable as Jesus though. Country music (*shudders*)
Reply:Jesus said that it would be worse than that. I am glad that I am not going there.
Reply:Well, if you gnash your teeth severely, you%26#039;ll wear them down to nubs. Then you%26#039;ll have to have them pulled out and wear dentures. And that will hurt and suck badly.

Not as much as hot pokers in crotches/nipple clamps/country music, I admit.
Reply:Come Judgement Day, Jesus Christ will judge.

Read Revelation 20:11-15
Reply:That and the threat %26quot;Every knee shall bow%26quot; never fail to make me laugh.

I%26#039;m still standing.
Reply:have u read the Bible lately?

can u get more creative than talking snakes??
Reply:some people may like the hot poker, the nipple clamps and the country music
Reply:It means grief and frustration. And it is why they grieved and frustrated. They have come to their end.
Reply:All of us will face our maker, God, one day and give account of our lives to Him. Do you want to face Him alone in your sins? You don%26#039;t have to! You can accept Jesus Christ as Savior today. The choice is yours!
Reply:LOL at country music played at high decibels. That WOULD be hell.
Reply:You sound like a fundamentalist.
Reply:Good thing you (or I) are not Jesus.

And really, God and Jesus not creative - who do you think made us?

To directly answer your question: it%26#039;s not a threat - it%26#039;s a warning!!!!
Reply:It is supposed that it means that those who see the glory of God who are rejected are going to do that; weep and out of utter sorrow, gnash their teeth. I figure it will be a pitiful sight.

How creative will you be?
Reply:Why is it that some people choose to take the words of the Bible out of context, just so, in their mind any way, they can try and make God look bad. You can%26#039;t you know. Why don%26#039;t you look at all of the words of the Bible and see all the wondrous things that God has done? Is it because you are afraid that if you see all the good that God has done, then you would have no reason to make fun of Him?
Reply:Haven%26#039;t you ever thought about what kind of suffering could cause you to cry like a ***** and gnash your teeth? If not then you have no imagination.


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