Sunday, August 2, 2009

Is the Human Race ready to accept the truth? Truth is testable, repeatable, observations not fictional faith.?

There are literally hundreds of different religious sects on this planet. Check your local phone book under churches for evidence. Can only one of them be right? Every other faith is wrong and going to haides?

We are still in the dark ages as a species. We believe in nations, fear controls us, violence persists and war is constant. Ignorance dominates knowledge throughout large parts of the world. The mid-east is loaded with ignorance / religion

The human race is in toddler mode - scared of monsters under the bed, wetting our pants after a goblin story, believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. We need to grow up and get away from goblins, witches, angels, demons, gods and devils.

Knowledge is the path to truth. Don't read and depend on old books written by scared little men with political agendas back before they had indoor plumbing. Those books/religions require the truth be disregarded. The Bible, Koran, Book of Mormon etc. are all loaded with contradictions

Is the Human Race ready to accept the truth? Truth is testable, repeatable, observations not fictional faith.?
You wrote "We are still in the dark ages as a species. We believe in nations, fear controls us, violence persists and war is constant. Ignorance dominates knowledge throughout large parts of the world. The mid-east is loaded with ignorance / religion. The human race is in toddler mode - scared of monsters under the bed, wetting our pants after a goblin story, believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. We need to grow up ..."

Personally I think we'll be blown up before we've grown up, but I applaud your sentiments. I totally agree.
Reply:And your point is???

Reply:Written like someone with an agenda.Sound familiar?
Reply:So what's the truth Almighty Yahooer?
Reply:When you die, and get a chance to repeatedly observe and test Hell, then you will see how fictional it is.
Reply:You seem to have answered you own question..

No, mankind is not ready, willing or able to accept the truth.
Reply:What's your question? Here on RELIGION!

I took into consideration what you said....

Study all the possibilities....

And have decided that you sir, are a nut!

Have a lovely day :)
Reply:I dissagree with the toddler analogy. We are more like pre-teens: still sure about everything mommy and daddy told us because we haven't looked into it ourselves yet. We've only been an industrialized world for around 200 years. We had millions of years of 'toddler-hood' behind us.
Reply:I agree 100% with you we need to learn other thing other then demons, gods, among other things.

I hear Christians saying that they will be saved because they worship god.

Honestly, if their is a God, he would want us to just live life and not make up crap about Goblins and the tooth fairy.
Reply:Of course not, if they were we wouldn't be having this discusssion.

I really wish it were the other way around though. Second dark ages here we come!
Reply:Can you please test, repeat, and observe all your statments before your post your 'truth.'

your statments don't even meet the requirements for truth... thus your opinion.

"The human race is toddler mode..." How did you test and repeat this?

"Knowledge is the path to truth." That's pretty bold. Once again, it won't withstand your own test for truth.
Reply:Damn your stupid. Is evolution testable, repeatable, can it be observed? You are a first class idiot.

Mankind is not ready for the Truth.

Those (very) few who know the Truth will testify:

The TRUTH has set me free!!

Now, Little One, take a valium, eat some chocolate, go and curl up with a good book...I recommend one of the Harry Potter books, they don't require much thinking...and take a nap.

You'll feel better.
Reply:You can read them but the trick is to not take them so seriously. Most of them are allegorical and not meant to be taken as the absolute thruth and fact. If the bible were written as fact and truth by itself then why do preachers ahve to take a line from this part a paragraph from that and then another just to try to make a point. All religions rely on ancient myth and folklore and they all said pretty much the same things in one way or the other originally it's the organization or the churches that changed it and are still changing it to suit there own agendas. I say phooey to it all. If there is a god fine, if not fine but man doesn't know what it is or what it wants. It is just a way to explain the unexplainable to the unseeing by the uncaring control freaks of the churches.
Reply:To answer your question... Not yet. Many are gripped by fears and their conditioned beliefs.

To aid you in your "enlightenment"... go read David Barrett's book "The World Christian Encyclopedia". He is a Christian who has spent the last 40 years traveling the globe studying religion. Some interesting findings:

- There are over 10,000 counted and verified religions worshipped on the planet. TEN THOUSAND.

- 150 of these religions have at least 1,000,000 followers.

- Christianity itself has at least 33,830 specific denominations. ALMOST 34,000 "versions" of the truth.

Your point is well-taken - "Can only one of them be right?"

I've listed a couple of links for you to study. This may be of some help to you. The study in the second link can be applied to religious adherents. The third link is to a site I find to be particularly "illuminating".

I wish you Peace.
Reply:Well said that man. Any idea or belief that is supported by neither reasoned argument nor objective evidence is unjustified. All religions come into this category, and doubtless always will. The alternative is faith, which is another word for wishful thinking, and that is worthless as a route to truth, for the obvious reason that without reason or evidence we cannot distinguish between fact and fiction.

family nanny

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