Sunday, August 2, 2009

If those Bible dudes lived to be like, 500 years old, how did they eat?

the enamel on human teeth is only designed to last 30-40 years. even with excellent dental hygiene (which wasn't the case back then), they'd completely lose their teeth well before their 510th birthday.

If those Bible dudes lived to be like, 500 years old, how did they eat?
Is this really bothering you? Perhaps you should check out the museum of natural history to find your answer.
Reply:God gave them Manna Enemas....
Reply:Think about the julian calendar and How much it has changed. maybe their 500 wasn't our 500.
Reply:It's not hard to gum a fig
Reply:Apparently evolution has given the modern toothless individual the ability to gum their food. I know two folks who have no teeth and no dentures. They seem to do just fine -
Reply:If I were a Creationist, I'd conjecture that foods like hummus and feta and soup and their predeccessors came about because they could be easily gummed.
Reply:So you admit that tooth enamel is intelligently designed?
Reply:They certainly weren't eating meat with those gums.
Reply:Dude... if their body was different from ours, so that it lasted 900 (not five hundred, read the Bible again) years, then why wouldn't their enamel be better?

One theory is that before the flood, the there was a layer of water above the atmosphere.. This would have caused a different climate, much larger life forms, and longer-living life forms. Notice that after the flood, lifespan quicky decreased.. From 900 years to 400 years to 120 or so in just 3 generations or so.. No one born AFTER the flood lived nearly as old as those born before the flood.
Reply:'The Lard' made them straws.
Reply:They still would've ate with their mouths. Whether soup or gummed the food to paste. Come on get a real question. LOL

God Bless!
Reply:I imagine they knew how to use tools.
Reply:It is interesting that you say the enamel is designed. Maybe this designer designed the enamel to last longer back then.

How do you know they didn't have excellent dental hygiene? If they were only eating unprocessed foods and used certain tree barks then they may have optimum hygiene.
Reply:Um, neither can the body live to be 900 years The inference in the Bible was that our original design allowed us to live longer, before sin decayed our bodies, as well as the world we lived in.
Reply:They gummed dates. Dates, which is to say undried prunes, kept them going and going and going.
Reply:It's possible that humans were capable of producing a sufficient amount of vitamin C that extended their lives until God manipulated their genes to not produce this antioxidant, thus shortening the life span of humans.
Reply:they took a solar powered blender wherever they went and liquefied everything.

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